Menyebarkan Investasi Anda
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Pengkhotbah 11:1,2 Berikanlah bahagian kepada tujuh, bahkan kepada delapan orang, karena engkau tidak tahu malapetaka apa yang akan terjadi di atas bumi.
All the things in this world that we take for granted – whilst they’re here today – could very well be gone tomorrow. In fact, one day no matter how permanent the things of this world may seem, they will all be gone.
I’m married to my beautiful wife, Jacqui. But one day, either she or I will pass out of this world before the other. Our marriage will be over. I love the place where we live. But one day, that’ll be gone too. I love serving in ministry, but one day my involvement will be over.
And it’s the same with you. We each have so many good things in our lives … but one day even those good things will come to an end – some, perhaps sooner than we ever imagined.
Yesterday, we chatted about the dividend we receive from doing good.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 Do good wherever you go. After a while, the good you do will come back to you.
And it will. We’ll reap what we sow. But in the very next verse comes a sage piece of advice:
Ecclesiastes 11:2 Invest what you have in several different things. You don’t know what bad things might happen on earth.
In other words, spread your good works around – amongst your family, your neighbours, the work to which you’ve been called. Sow good seeds wherever you go – here and there and way over yonder too. Because you don’t know what bad things might cut one of them off.
Spread your good investments around … a bit like an investment portfolio, so that if one of them’s cut off, if one of them comes unexpectedly to an end, there are still more out there delivering returns, bearing fruit.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.