... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: A New Life in Jesus (3)

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For most of us, Easter just comes and goes. We’ve done it before … lots of times. We know the story. We know how it ends. Of course, we know it’s important – the Easter thing – but experiencing the reality, that’s quite another thing. In this series, Berni takes a look at the weeks leading up to that first Easter, as well as the events of that one, crucial weekend – the turning point of history. With a fresh spark. Through a fresh set of eyes. So join Berni on a journey to discover a new life, in Jesus Christ.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Joy and Peace are Yours

In those days leading up to that first Easter, the Disciples were afraid. Petrified. There was a plot afoot to assassinate Jesus. That was bad enough. But were they in the firing line too? Were they …

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Episode 2. The Prayer of Jesus

We discover a lot about someone when we see how they behave and react under pressure. That’s when we see the real man or the real woman. And one of the things that Jesus does just before He’s to …

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Episode 3. Betrayal Arrest Trial

Judas Iscariot would have to be one of the most infamous men in all of history. The friend of Jesus who betrayed Him. The man who betrayed the Son of God. Have you ever wondered – what made him do …

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Episode 4. Then They Nailed Him to the Cross

We race through Easter. A long weekend, chance for a break. Maybe a trip to church … but then again, perhaps not. And to do that, we have to shield our eyes. We have to avoid looking at the cross. …

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