... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Receiving the Best of the Best (2)

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Christmas means all sorts of different things to different people. And in the rush, rush, rush of making it to that day – that’s what this time of year can feel like, it’s so easy to get caught up in the mediocrity that this world has to offer. The crowds in the shopping malls. All that stuff. But Christmas is about receiving the Best of the best. God’s Best – His only Son. So in this series, Berni will be taking us on a journey through the stories of Christmas – some of them quite familiar perhaps, but from a different perspective – to help each one of us unwrap that One gift –the Best of the Best.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. The Bread of Life

Heading towards Christmas – most of us know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. But did you know that that word – Bethlehem – means “the house of bread”? And this – the man who said “I am …

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Episode 2. A Strange Sort of King

Christmas is about celebrating the coming of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Jesus. But – well, He came in a stable and He was a carpenter’s Son. What was God thinking? A strange sort of …

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Episode 3. Its the Thought that Counts

We’ve all received one of those Christmas presents – a bad tie or a cheap set of earrings – that we don’t really like. That we didn’t want. And it’s almost worse than no present at all. …

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Episode 4. The Rocky Road to Christmas

ere we are on the road to Christmas – and for some of us it’s a rocky road. For some of us life isn’t going quite the way we’d like and so we imagine that Christmas may not really be meant …

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Episode 5. The Great Christmas Disappointment

There’s nothing worse than getting to the end of a long journey and discovering the hotel doesn’t have your booking. So how did it feel for Mary and Joseph. A baby due any minute, a two week …

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Ropeti Faleatua

Thanks Berni, this is very supportive and encouraging. May God’s light be continuously shine through you to the world at large, God bless you.