... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Living the Best Life I Can Live (1)

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There is no doubt whatsoever that life has its ups and downs. We seem to travel through seasons and those seasons are most times, unavoidable. That’s just how seasons go. But as we travel through the good times and the bad, the question for each one of us, is – How can I make the best of what I have? How can I live the best life that I can live?Don’t you think? Well in this series, Berni Dymet will be taking us into God’s Word, to discover the practical wisdom that God has, to help us to live the best life that we can possibly live. After all, we only get one crack at it!

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. People We Wouldnt Invite to Christmas

The problem with Christmas is having to spend time with people who rub us the wrong way – that sister-in-law or that brother or that mother-in-law. Don’t see them all year – except on Christmas …

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Episode 2. My Christmas Invitaion

Christmas is – well, it’s like a birthday party. Question is – am I invited? Are you invited? Surely that Archbishop on TV talking about Christmas – surely he’s invited. But am I invited? …

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Episode 3. Life is there to be Enjoyed

Some people get all nervous at the idea that God wants us to enjoy our lives. Sounds a bit like a me-centred perversion of the Gospel. But actually He does want us to enjoy our lives – it’s just …

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Episode 4. The Things that Rob You of Gods Best

It’s a horrible feeling to have your house broken into and robbed. A sense of violation. But that’s precisely what the devil is in the business of doing in our lives – every minute of every …

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Episode 5. Living a Balanced Life

So many people are living lives that are out of balance. Too much work, or not enough. Too much leisure time or not enough. Too much money, or not enough. And as it turns out, our lives don’t have …

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