... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: How to Get Over Yourself and Live (Pt 1)

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In our natural human state of existence we presume that we are the centre of the universe.  Our needs, our comfort, our wants and desires and opinions and ….  We have a name for that.  We call it pride.  And God’s Word says that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

In this series – How to Get Over Yourself and Live a Life that Counts – Berni opens up God’s word to discover exactly how we can overcome the sin of pride.  It’s something that will change our lives forever.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. An Opaque Veil Over Our Hearts

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By and large, naturally, most of us are pretty selfish.  Thing is that selfishness is an attribute we most often see in other people, not ourselves.  So “self” is an opaque veil that shrouds …

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Episode 2. The Anatomy of Pride

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Pride is an ugly thing.  We see it so often in other people but the reality is, we rarely if ever see it in ourselves.  That’s not to say it’s not there – just that we don’t notice it.  So …

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Episode 3. Why God Hates Pride

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In some respects, it’s OK to be proud.  I’m proud of my children.  That’s a good thing.  But pride has it’s ugly side.  And here’s the thing.  God opposes the proud, but gives grace to …

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Episode 4. Nobody Likes a "Know-it-All"

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Nobody likes a “know-it-all”.  They’re the people who only stop talking long enough to figure out what they’re going to say next.  And it turns out that that sort of pride – not only …

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Episode 5. Learning to Submit to Authority

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Every nation, society, family has to have some system of authority.  And by and large – we accept that, we don’t mind it … unless and until we disagree with those in authority.  Then it’s …

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