... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: How to Live an Extraordinary Life (Pt 2)

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Let’s face it, we only get one crack at living our lives on this earth. Before you know it, it’s over. So why waste it? I mean … we can live an ordinary life. A safe life. A life where we don’t take too many risks, give too much away. “I’ve tried that” says Berni Dymet, CEO of Christianityworks, “and it’s dull, it’s boring and very unsatisfying.” So … what’s the alternative to an ordinary life? Well, an extraordinary life of course.

So join Berni Dymet this week as he follows Jesus around on the dusty roads of 1st Century Israel, to discover just one thing. How to live an extraordinary life.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Gift Based Ministry

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Pretty much all of us want to live not just a dull, boring life, but an extraordinary life. The sort of life that – given who we are and where we live and what we’re capable of doing – makes a …

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Episode 2. Empowering Others

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There are three types of people. People who control you. People who drain you. And people who empower you. We all know which one out of those three we’d rather hang around, right? And if we’re …

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Episode 3. The Emperor's Got No Clothes

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Have you ever had that experience of being the “odd man out” if I can use that old phrase. Everybody seems to be in agreement about something … and you’re looking at this thing and what you …

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Episode 4. Tackling Difficult Issues

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Every now and then we run into a difficult issue in a relationship. Sometimes the right thing to do is bite our lip. Other times we let it wash by and we forgive and we move on. But sometimes, …

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Episode 5. Wisdom that Works

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The easiest thing in the world is just to go with the flow. Conventional thinking about things – truth morality – has changed enormously over the centuries. And not always, as people would have …

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Brian Ambrose

Hi Bernie
I have read all five episodes of “How to live an extraordinary life” and have enjoyed and learned from the series, you mention that morality too has changed socially, and that sometimes for the good and sometimes not. and that it is good to see that in many places in the world women are now being treated as equals and that is awesome.

my thoughts are that because equality for women as been a forced issue by government and the feminist movement, we have very dysfunctional family environments and not just in Australia, where for a number of reasons children get neglected because of the parents lack of time through work, or because the parents compete against each other causing family divisions, or because, and this is an ever increasing number, partners separate going their own way leaving children in limbo in a one parent family or worse still abandoned completely.
I have no issues with equality of women but that equality should not be legislated it should be nurtured through loving relationships that allow each parent some freedom of choice and support of each other, I have been married a long time and my wife and I have always supported each other in whatever activity, be it family, work, hobbies, interests and personal freedoms, so it is possible.

But what I see and experience in today’s world is a throw away society, we used to throw washing machines and TVs away, now today we throw people away and it is a disturbing trend, because the breakdown and erosion of family values is worsening day by day and invariably it’s the kids who suffer the most, in my view equality between man and women should be a given, but unfortunately we have become too immature and selfish in satisfying our individual needs and desires that everyone else takes second place.

Is there a solution to this dilemma, liberalism and self serving minority groups and governments need to sit down and openly, honestly and truthfully discuss the need to put values back into families, schools and make society inclusive and not as it currently is exclusive of a moral and ethical compass.

You are on the front line Bernie and you should continue your mission to turn peoples minds back to the truth of the Holy Bible and of having God and Jesus in our lives.

Keep up the good works you do.

Warmest Regards
