... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Overboard with Jesus (1)

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Too many Christians try to live out a safe, convenient and comfortable Christianity … and then they wonder, why isn’t it working? Others, they can hear Jesus calling them, but with everything they have going on in life, with the storms that keep sweeping through, well, now’s just not the right time to follow Him.

Join Berni this week, as He takes a look at following Jesus – from A Different Perspective.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Don't Be a Lukewarm Christian

Have you ever had a lukewarm cup of tea?   Yeek! There’s simply nothing worse, so imagine, just imagine what a lukewarm Christian feels like to the God who sent His Son to suffer and die for …

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Episode 2. Escaping the Lukewarm Faith

So imagine, you’ve had a busy day, it’s been a real shocker. You get home, you kick off your shoes, you flop down on the couch exhausted wondering how you’re ever going to get …

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Episode 3. When the Storm Blows

I remember someone once saying to me, “ahhh … you’re not one of those ‘born again’ Christians are you?” Huh, the tone in her voice said it all. I was driving a car …

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Episode 4. Overboard in the Storm

Okay so a storm hits your life, it’s a big one, so big in fact that you don’t know if you’re going to make it through. We’ve all had those and doubtless there are more on the …

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Episode 5. That Sinking Feeling

One of the things that can often end up tearing you apart is, on the one hand the desire to follow Jesus with all your heart but on the other, inertia or the resistance you face swimming against the …

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